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Settlers came to seek religious freedom, and freedom from religious persecution.

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Q: Why did middle colony settlers come to Pennsylvania was it for money or religion?
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Related questions

Why was Pennsylvania in the middle colony?

Yes it was on the MIDDLE COLONIES. I actually thought that the Pennsylvania colony was more north.

Was Pennsylvania a middle colony?

Maryland is a middle colony

What middle colonies attracted settlers with pamphlets?


Is Massachusetts colony a middle colony?

No, it was not a middle colony. It was the New England Colony, and it was based north of the MIddle colony.

Is Pennsylvania in the New England Middle or Southern regions?

Pennsylvania was considered to be one of the middle colonies.

What were the original settlers of the middle colonies?

The first settlers came from Europe. Mainly from France and England

Which middle colony was bordered Pennsylvania to the north?

The colony you seek is New York.

Why were the middle colony's found?

Pennsylvania was founded to provide a refuge for people of the Quaker religion. At one time New Jersey was part of Pennsylvania.

Was Virginia's religion Anglicanism?

Yes, it was, as it was a royal colony and Middle Colony

Which colonial region was the most diverse and the most tolerant?

Pennsylvania, a colony in the Middle Atlantic region, was known for its diversity and tolerance towards different religious groups and ethnicities. The colony was founded by William Penn, a Quaker who advocated for religious freedom and fair treatment of Native Americans. Pennsylvania attracted settlers from various backgrounds, creating a diverse and inclusive society.

What attracted the settlers to the middle colony's?

they attracted the middle colonies by all of the food and housing around the people

Which middle colony was founded in 1704 when colonists settled on land that had been part of Pennsylvania?

Naw. I like the colony of Pennsylvania because of Naw Snap.