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The Federalists opposed the War of 1812, which made them popular among many Americans, as the United States did not fare well in the initial stages of the war. However, America was eventually victorious, and support for the Federalist Party collapsed.

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Q: Why did the federalist party lose support after the war in of 1812?
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Why did federalist party lose support after war of 1812?

Because during the War of 1812 they planned to secede from US and were mark as traitor.

Why did the federalists party lose support after the war of 1812?

During the war of 1812 they planned to secede from the United States

In what part of the country was support for the War of 1812 the weakest?

The New England states did not support the War because because they would lose money and trade.

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the tet offensive

Who was most oppsed to the war of 1812?

The New England states did not support the War of 1812 because they would lose money and trade. Mostly Jeffersonians and agriculture interests supported the commercial reasons for the war. Southern agriculture suffered from the British policies more so than the Eastern merchants. Some westerners also believed that the British were stirring up the Indians in the Northwest, to attack American settlers.

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Mostly being filled with racist, sexist douche canoes who are actively trying to sabotage the American people.

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The Anti-Federalist lost due to the fact that they were unorganized.

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they were weak and didnt have good weapons like the communnists did, and they werent dedicated and they didnt have much support.

How did the outcome of war affect the federalist party?

A group in Congress lead by Henry Clay, known as the "War Hawks" wanted to invade Canada and make it part of the United States. The War Hawks were supported in the West and South. The New England states (Federalists) did not support the War because because they would lose money and trade. Mostly Jeffersonians and agriculture interests supported the commercial reasons for the war.

Why did the conservatives lose noncomformists support?

I don't think support for the Conseratives was ever very strong among non-conformists. The Tories were traditionally identified with the Church of England. There is a well established jibe that the Church of England is the Tory party at prayer.

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he did not lose he won the election because he made his own party called the bull moose party.