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Q: Arrange the events in the development of drama in order from earliest to latest.?
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The advancement of technology is premonition to the destruction of mankind. is this true?

Depends if you watch the latest episode of Fringe on Fox Off course not! quite the contrary although technology can be viewed as power and greed for that power can potentially lead our distruction.

What impact did contact with Europeans have on China?

It depends what time period. During the time of First Century BC, China influenced Europeans with new inventions. (Compass, fireworks) etc. But during the latest centuries, Europeans influenced the chinese with military stuff. (Aircraft etc.)

Is Chinese Culture the oldest culture in the world?

4 cultures are categlorized as the 4 oldest cultures in history.1.Babylon2.Hindu3.Chinese4.EgyptianI think Chinese culture isn't the oldest but one of the oldest in the history of human civilizations.(list is NOT ordered from oldest to latest.)

Who invented the first door knob?

Way back in time when Ogg realised (Thanks to Mrs Ogg) that his cave was rather drafty and Mrs Ogg was constantly reminding him of this fact even though it has been scientifically proven that Mr Ogg was more interested in studying the stars than DIY. One day he decided, when the skies were obscured by a white fluff stuff that he had yet to fathom out, he later deduced incorrectly that it was cotton wool being blown of the cotton wool area, that he called Cunzus. Ogg made a protective barrier out of wood from the forest of Ogg as he called it, and fashioned it with the latest in Dino bones, the latest in cave fashion. With his latest invention he covered the opening to his families cave. Not long afterwards, Mrs Ogg proclaimed that it didn't let in any light and she couldn't open the damn thing. Ogg, in typical male behaviour went off for a pint, or three of the then famous Grotknees olde peculiar. Later: and fortified and feeling very happy, Ogg found that his progress to his cave was now inhibited by a rather odd looking structure - Grotknees does this to a person, even to those as primitive as Ogg. In desperation Ogg rammed a mammoth tooth into a crack and pulled. It opened. The door knob was invented. In later years, after many years of nagging, Ogg invented the window by throwing Mrs Ogg out of his cave through his Dur,

What is the Roman forum?

The city of Rome had two types of fora (plural of forum: the forum civilium and the forum venalium. The former was the civic forum and the latter was the commercial forum, or market. The forum civilium was the civic centre and the heart of a city and its public, political, judicial and administrative life. It was comparable to a city centre. There was the Forum magnum As In the city of Rome the Forum or Forum Magnum as the Romans called it (Roman Forum is a modern term) which was the main forum civilium. It had the comintum,the place where the popular assemblies met to vote, public speeches were made and public debates were held, the senate house, the aerarium (the treasury) which has in the temple of Saturn, the tabularium (the state archives) which was built on the slope of the Capitoline Hill, the regia (the residence of the Pontifex Maximus, the chief priest of Roman state religion) and the saenaculum (which was a place where the senators gathered before the entering the senate house for formal summons). It had several platforms for public speeches. The oldest one was called the rostra (plural of rostrum). The name came from the six rostra (warship rams) of captured warships which were and mounted to its side. It faced the north side of the comitium towards the senate house. Later it came to be called Rostra Vetera (Elder Rostra) when other platforms were built. These were called rostra with the addition of the name of their builders or the person it honoured. There was also the Graecostasis at the southwest end of the Comitium, to the west of the rostra. The name refers to the Greek ambassadors for whom the platform was built after the annexation of mainland Greece. It became a platform for representatives of foreign nations and dignitaries from the Roman provinces (conquered territories). Rome also had what are now called imperial fora. They are the Forum of Caesar (who was not an emperor), the forum of Augustus, the forum Nerva and the Forum of Trajan. They were built as new public spaces and for personal grandeur by the people they were named after. Rome had several fora (plural of forum) venalia (plural of venalium):: the Forum Boarium (cattle market) the Forum Suarium (meat market) the Forum Piscarium (fish market) the Forum Holitorium (vegetable market) the Forum Vinarium (wine market) the Forum Pistorium (bakers' market) and the Forum Cuppedinis (delicatessen market). The big Roman towns had separate forum civilium and forum venalium. In the small towns they were not separated and were on the same site. .

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Chronological order refers to arranging events, items, or information in the order in which they occurred, from earliest to latest. This helps to provide a timeline and make it easier to understand the sequence of events.

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The earliest for girls is 8 and the latest is 17 or 18. The earliest for boys is 8 or 9 and the latest is 18 or 19.

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Chronological order refers to arranging events, items, or information in the order in which they occurred or were created, from earliest to latest. This helps to provide a clear timeline for understanding and analyzing historical or sequential events.

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Chronological order means arranging events, ideas, or items in the order they occurred in time, from earliest to latest. It helps to establish a clear timeline and make it easier to understand the progression of events.

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