Mandrakes have been used since Biblical times in magic and alchemy. There is a link to an article below that explains more.
yes a woman did travel in the middle ages
During the middle ages noble women had no opportunity no learn how to read and write.
Middle ages things and times are called Medieval.
Medieval PeriodDark Age?Medieval times or the medieval era.
Mandrakes have been used since Biblical times in magic and alchemy. There is a link to an article below that explains more.
Hand axes would be in use by simple soldiers in almost every battle between Biblical times and the late middle ages .
The Shield of David is a Jewish symbol that first started appearing in the middle ages. Although it is attributed to King David, there is no evidence that it existed in Biblical times.
in 1978 the beanie hat was invented ANSWER: People wore beanie-type hats in biblical times. They became very popular during the middle ages.
isaiah 26:4
women ages 30-40 have a one-in-252 chance, women ages 40-50 a one-in-68 chance, women ages 50-60 a one-in-35 chance, and women ages 60-70 a one-in-27 chance
Witchcraft was not a common activity for women in the late Middle Ages.
Horses ages are the same as people
There were many uncommon roles for women during the Middle Ages. They include, but are not limited to:PriestsMonarchsSoldiersKnightsScholarsMillersSummonersPardonersParsonsSquiresFriarsReevesLawyersClerksMerchantsPhysiciansYeomenManciplesFranklinsSailorsMonks
Does the status of Indian women through the ages wholly discredit Hinduism?
Dark Ages and\or Medieval Ages
The middle ages are right between ancient times and the modern times.