2006 is the year of the Dog in the Chinese zodiac.
2006 was the Chinese Year of the Dog.
The animal that represented the Chinese New Year in 1966 was the horse.
A Chinese year does not perfectly match up with a Gregorian. Up to the 28th of January, the year of the Rooster was still going, but for the rest of 2006 it was the year of the Dog.
The animal that represented the Chinese New Year in 1981 was the rooster.
The animal that represented the Chinese New Year in 1940 was the dragon.
The animal that represented the Chinese New Year in 1967 is the sheep.
The animal that represented the Chinese New Year in 1992 was the monkey.
The animal that represented the Chinese New Year in 1954 was the horse.
The animal that represented the Chinese New Year in 1983 is the pig.
The animal that represented the Chinese New Year in 2003 was the sheep.
The animal that represented the Chinese New Year in 1971 was the pig.