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You can actually get this locally. No matter where you live there should be a Walmart and they will have an extensive range this Halloween season so you can get what you need.

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Wendy Chuck was the costume designer.

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Q: Who made twilights costumes?
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April Twilights was created in 1903.

Who made dance costumes?

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What is twilights address?

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How old is twilights Taylor?

He is 17.

How do you have two Halloween costumes?

you made them

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Who made the costumes for Pirates of the Caribbean 1?

All of the costumes for all Pirates movies 1-4 are made by Penny Rose.

What are ice skating costumes made out of?

Most ice skating costumes are made out of double-stretch lycra or other materials that are made to stretch in both directions.

What were celtics costumes made of?

they were made of hair and cow intestines

How long did it take to design the costumes for The Lion King musical?

all costumes were made by designer and the took 3 months to design all the costumes

What is Bella from twilights birthday?

September 13th

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