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Yes. Riding a bike will definitely strengthen your glutes and make them bigger as you continue to build muscle.

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Q: Can riding a bike strengthen your gluts and make them bigger?
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How does riding a bike make you stronger?

Well, it'd really depend on how hard, for long and how often you ride. But bike riding can help shape and strengthen your legs.

Can you change the size of your bike?

You sure can mate, just get a bigger tyre and clip it on, and there you go theres a bigger bike. BRUM BRUM! Have fun riding! XXX

Does riding a stationary bike make your butt bigger or smaller?

The easy answer is, neither bigger or smaller. Your butt is just sitting there. Think of aerobic exercise as a whole body exercise. However, it will get smaller if you are starting with a more than average fat supply. And, if your intensity and mileage is high enough, you will be building muscle in your legs, and butt area, but most people will not experience a bigger butt.

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a bike ride exercises your quadraceps and so yes it will build up muscle on your thighs, making them bigger

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How do you say riding a bike in German?

In German, you say "Fahrrad fahren" to mean riding a bike.

When might riding a bike have an advantage over flying in an airplane?

riding a bike can have an advantage over a plane because if you don't want to pay money than a bike is better and that riding a bike gives you cardio.

Do you get leaner muscle running or riding a bike?

on a bike

What happens if you hit someone who is riding a bike?

The person who is riding the bike dies...if you hit him/her hard enough.

Is did the past tense of do?

Yes it is. I do like riding my bike. I did like riding my bike

Why the muscle is important for riding a bike?

Muscles are what makes your body move, whatever you do. So you need them for bike riding too.

Does it feel the same on a jet ski as a motor bike?

I don't think so because Jet skis seats are bigger and as your riding you have water spraying in your face