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No batteries contain harful toxic material that soaks into the earth's soil and is very harmful to the soil. Instead, send them to your nearest hazadous waste plant, they have alternte methods of disposing harful material.

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Q: Can you put batteries in the trash can?
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What should you do with old batteries?

Take them to an E-Waste Recycling Center. Do not put them in your regular trash.

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In the trash bin.

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you put it on the trash can!

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Trash......If they will hold still.

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It is in the trash box by the clockwork cabana that says THE END IS NEAR.

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You put ur trash out You put ur trash out

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put it on the trash can

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Batteries be should not be disposed with ordinary trash due to their flammable nature. They should go with the hazardous waste for recycling.

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trash gets into the ocean by people that just go and put their trash there.

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Put it in your pocket untill you find a trash can.

How does trash get into the ocean?

trash gets into the ocean by people that just go and put their trash there.

Put the trash in the rubbish can - What is the noun?

The nouns in the sentence are trash and can.