If the driving wheel has more number of teeth, and the driven wheel has less number of teeth then there will be a gain in SPEED .If the number of tooth in the driver is less in the driving wheel and there is more number of tooth in the driven wheel , there will be a gain in TORQUE.
Bicycle gears are measured in inches. The formula is 27 (Size of wheel.) divide by number of teeth on rear sprocket. Multiplied by the number of teeth on chainwheel. Example 27 divide by 18, times 50, equals 75.0 inch gear.
it can affect the movement that pull the whell and the weight
ferris wheel, a bicycle, a screw and a doorknob ferris wheel, a bicycle, a screw and a doorknob
A bicycle is both.
The wheel, and many other things a bicycle is a compound machine
Depends on make and model of bicycle
A bicycle tire is a tire which fits on the wheel of a bicycle or similar vehicle.
A wheel that has teeth that fit into the teeth of another wheel is called a gear.
Unicycle = 1 wheel. Bicycle = 2 wheels. Tricycle = 3 wheels.
A bicycle fork is the portion of a bicycle that holds the front wheel and allows the rider to steer and balance the bicycle.