I think there is more trash in the world but i believe there isn't that much trash ether.so peps hurry and clen the earth already i am too. so get your butt up and go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thank u :)
30.2% of Earth is covered by land
It would be far too expensive. We can't do that because we don't know what kind of effect that would have in space and on any other planet that the trash might land on. Maybe it would rain back down to Earth in a fiery trash Armageddon?
land is 25% of earth's crust.
Approximately 25% of the earth is dry land.
Antarctica is about 10% of earth's land mass.
25% land and 75% water
33% of the land surface of the earth is desert.
Water=71% Land=29% Earth=100%
About 25% of the Earth's surface is made of land. but spongebob is the best sponge on earth
you fin a trash can and you put trash in there and not on the ground
About 1/3 (33%) of the land surface of earth is desert.
About 30 percent of earth is land and 70 percent is water.