gas could be coming up thru one of the traps is there a sink or tub you don't use very often? the trap will dry out after a while allowing this gas to come up just run water to keep it filled once in a while PS vinegar is organic will not harm the septic tank
They can. Pouring vinegar down a drain clogged with eggshells should unclog it as the vinegar dissolves the eggshells.
Yes. Both caustic and acid based drain cleaners can do damage to your metal pipes. Instead, you can try an all natural remedy of pouring baking soda down the drain followed by vinegar.
You don't, you replace it. Dig up the old, lay new pipe and gravel and cover. You can also try the natural bacterial cleaners, such as the all-natural advanced formula Septic-Helper 2000. Some treatments have the natural bacteria that work outside of your septic system and in your drain lines and drain field.
To get rid of tiny bugs in your sink, try pouring boiling water down the drain to kill them. You can also use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to clean the drain and deter bugs. Additionally, make sure to keep your sink clean and dry to prevent bugs from returning.
Sinks and tubs must drain to the septic tank.
To effectively get rid of fleas in your bathroom drain, you can try pouring boiling water down the drain to kill the fleas and their eggs. You can also use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to clean and disinfect the drain. Additionally, using a commercial drain cleaner specifically designed to kill fleas can also be effective.
It is connected through the main house drain to septic tank.
You can dispose of expired milk safely by pouring it down the toilet. You can also pour it down the drain, however, pour some vinegar down after it to get rid of the smell.
Instead try pouring salt water into the drain to thaw it
A drain made of clay sections pushed together. Old septic pipes were often made this way.
Ideally 1/4" per foot minimum