pumpkin squash
Traditionally called the three sisters, squash was planted at the base of the corn plant. A bean plant was grown and wrapped itself around the corn plant.
Nadems Its a type of squash grown near the Atlantic coasts.
corn, and turkey
The Wampanoag people grew a wide variety of squashes - and they gave the English language the word "squash" (from Natick askutasquash, meaning "things eaten raw or uncooked").Summer squash was yellow, soft and full of juice. Pumpkins and acorn squash were ready in autumn (fall); these were often dried to preserve them over winter.
yellow squash :P
I fogot
yellow squash :P
Corn, wheat, apples, peaches, cherries, berries, grapes, squash, melons, potatoes, onion, lamb, beef, pork, trout,
It is referring to a type of squash known as Acorn Squash.
deer meat. squash and another type of veggie that i can't remember. They had no turkey on the first Thanksgiving