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Q: When was the bike with two equally sized wheels were invented?
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Why did bicycles have huge wheels back then?

Because if you have the pedals stuck to the wheel axle, and no gearing inbetween, the only way to get some useful speed out of the bike is to have a really large wheel.Because before the chain drive and gearing was invented, bikes were direct drive - meaning that the drive wheel spun at the same rate as the pedals. The only way to get some speed out of the bike then was to make the drive wheel really big.Once the chain drive made it easy to add a gearing ratio wheels could be built with equally sized wheels and a better rider position.

When was the safety bicycle invented?

The safety bike was different in that both wheels were the same size.

Are dirt bike wheels the same size?

There are different sizes for dirt bike wheels as there are for regular bike wheels.

When was the High wheel safety bicycle invented?

I think you've gotten your phrases confused.A high-wheeler was a direct drive bike with the pedals stuck directly onto the axle of a huge front wheel. They tended to flip over during hard braking.Safety bicycle was the name given to the the chain-driven bikes with equally sized wheels that weren't as prone to flipping over.

Why is a bike a lever?

Because the wheels move at another pace than the cranks, which is caused by the chain and the differently sized sprockets acting as levers.

What are the bikes with thin wheels called?

Thin wheels alone isn't enough to identify the bike type. Can be a road bike, bike, a track bike, a TT bike. Even fixies and single-speeds can have thin wheels.

Where on the bike is a wheel and axle?

The wheels are the big round things on which the bike moves and the axles are at the center of the wheels, attaching them to the bike.

Who invented the first quadbike?

how invented the quad bike how invented the quad bike how invented the quad bike

Did you blow up bike wheels on a penny farthing?

Usually not. The penny Farthing was invented before the inflatable bicycle tire was developed.

How can you put a BMX bike on a trampoline?

Change the wheels with specil ski wheels i think its called ski bike.

What does the bike look like?

it has wheels

Name of a bike with two wheels?

Bicycle means having two wheels