Some CEOs of large companies who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) include:
Nolan Archibald, CEO of Black and Decker (home appliances)
Jerry Atkin CEO of SkyWest (airline)
Gary Baughman, former CEO of Fisher-Price (children's products)
Kirk Benson, CEO of Headwaters (energy and fossil fuel technology)
Evrett Benton, CEO of Five Star Quality Care (nursing homes)
H. Raymond Bingham, CEO of Cadence Design (electronics design)
A. Blaine Bowman, CEO of Dionex (scientific research equipment)
Francis W. Cash, CEO of La Quinta (hotels)
Gary Ely, CEO of AvistaRod Hawes, CEO of Life Re
Simon K. Hodson, CEO of EarthShell (biodegradable packaging)
David Huber, CEO of Corvis
Jon Huntsman, CEO of Huntsman Chemical (manufacturing)
Jim Jannard, CEO of Oakley (sports products and accessories)
James Jensen, CEO of NPS Pharmaceuticals
Van Johnson, CEO of Sutter Health
Jonathan Coon, CEO of 1-800 Contacts
Glade Knight, CEO of Cornerstone Reality Inome Trust
Kevin Knight, CEO of Knight Ttransportation (trucking)
Fred Lampropoulos, CEO of Merit Medical
GL Larkin, former CEO of House of Fabrics (largest US fabric chain until bought by JoAnn in 1998)
Steve Lund, CEO of NuSkin
Rex Maughan, CEO of Forever Living Products
Jerry Moyes, CEO of Swift Transportation
Kay Toolson, CEO of Monaco Coach (RV and Motor home manufacturing)
Mark Wattles, CEO of Hollywood Entertainment
Kay Whitmore, former CEO of Eastman Kodak (Photography equipment)
Mark Willis, former CEO of Times Mirror
Ray Zinn, CEO of Micrel Semiconductor
David Neeleman, CEO of JetBlue (airline)
Shawn Nelson, CEO of LoveSac
Ray Noorda, former CEO of Novell
James Peterson, CEO of Microsemi Corporation
James Quigley, CEO of Deloitte & Touche
Mitt Romney, former CEO of Bain Capitol
Kevin Rollins, former CEO of Dell Computer
Harris Simmons, CEO of Zion's Bank
James Sorenson, CEO of Sorenson Media (video technology)
Donald Staheli, former CEO of Allied Mills and Continental Grain
Sam Taylor, CEO of Oriental Trading
Other Mormons in high business postions who do not hold the title of CEO are:
Dave Finnegan, CIO of Build-a-Bear Workshops (toy store)
Stephen R. Covey, chairman of Franklin Covey
Gary Crittenden, former CFO of American Express
Brent Keller, CMO of
Richard King, former President of Albertsons stores
J Willard Marriott, founder of Marriott Hotels (his son is now the chairman)
Greg Miller, owner of the Utah Jazz (his father Larry Miller was former owner)
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, former Senior Vice President of Lufthansa Airlines
Wesley Vance, former President and COO of Diebold
Stewart Nelson, COO of Novell
George Romney, former Chairman of American Motors Corporation (AMC)
L.E. Simmons, chairman of Oil States International (oil drilling products)
K. Brent Somers, chairman of Boyd's Bears (collectables and toys)
There are different titles for the chief executive. In some countries the chief executive is call president. In many companies, he or she is called the chief executive or chief executive officer.
"Common sales executive titles include, Chief Executive Officer or CEO, Chief Financial Officer or CFO, Chief Analytics Officer or CAO and Chief Legal Officer or CLO."
The chief executive of a company is the highest ranking executive. Some of their duties include managing the operations of the company, making corporate decisions and developing high level strategies.
controllers, chief financial officers, or internal auditors. Other career paths include being controllers or chief financial officers in not-for-profit or government
A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has many duties. These include Setting a strategy and vision, building a cultured workplace and providing an environment which promotes team building. Finally, a CEO must allocate the capital of the company.
There are lot of different types of "Chief" jobs out there. Some examples for such "Chief" jobs include "Chief Executive Officer", "Chief Technology Officer", "Chief Security Officer" or "Chief Financial Officer".
Some common functional titles of the President include Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Chief Executive Officer of the country, Head of State, and Chief Diplomat in charge of foreign relations.
Mark Zuckerberg is the chairman and chief executive officer of Facebook.
For the most part that is at the City level,although some counties have Mayors.
Answer: Some chief executive officers, strategists, and organizations have been successful, to date, without using strategic-management concepts and techniques. However, success today is no guarantee for success tomorrow. The business world is becoming global in scope; technology is changing the nature of competition in all industries. Strategic management enables organizations to recognize and adapt to change more readily; successfully adapting to change is the key to survival and prosperity. There is no good alternative approach to strategic management
MD Managing director is the term used for the chief executive of many limited companies in the United Kingdom, Commonwealth and some other English speaking countries. The title reflects their role as both a member of the Board of Directors but also as the senior manager. CEO A Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or Chief Executive, is the highest-ranking corporate officer, administrator, corporate administrator, executive, or executive officer, in charge of total management of a corporation, company, organization or agency.
Department of Defense, which is part of the Executive branch