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Libya has only green as it's flag.

Libya only had one colour during 1977-2011 under Muammar Gaddafi. After the Libyan rebellion however, it reverted to the red, green, black and white of the original Libyan flag.

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Q: Does any country have only one colour for its flag?
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Which country has a flag that contains only one color?

Prior to the Arab Spring War in 2011, the national flag of Libya used to have only one color; green. More specifically, it consisted of a simple green field with no other characteristics. Also, many signal flags are just one color. Then, of course, the flag of surrender is but one color; white. Currently, there is no national flag with only one color.

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Any country's flag represents that country, and should be treated with due respect.

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no, unless you count the peace flag. but that is not a national flag so the answer is no

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No, there's only green, orange, yellow, and green

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no -- the 3rd colour on the Irish flag is orange, not gold

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If it is in Ireland, a country's flag is always flown higher than flags of other country's and any other flag.

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Africa is a continent, not a country, and therefor does not have any one flag.

How many ways can the England flag be legally coloured?

The England flag is a white background with a red 'addition' cross. It can't be any other colour.

What color is the ensign of the Australian flag?

The color of the Australia's flag is Red, White, and Blue....there are only 6 stars on the flag...if you want to know how I know is because I have to do a project in class about any kind of any state like Australia, Aisa, China, etc. So I know anything about Australia

What country has a 5 sided national flag?

I don't think that any country has a flag like that. But I do know that is the flag for the world olympics.

Why should you respect your country's flag?

You should show respect for your country's flag because it is your country's highest and most recognizable symbol, and the way you treat it is representative of your attitude towards your country. Obviously is you have no respect for your country, traditions, culture and history, you have no reason to show any special respect for your flag over any other piece of cloth, but if you have respect for your country, treating the flag appropriately is a manifestation of that. Flag etiquette varies somewhat from country to country, but the basics are that the flag should not touch the ground, should be kept in good repair, flown the right way up, and flown at the same height as all other national flags.