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There are more than three countries in which Portuguese is the official language. For it's the official language of the southwest European country of Portugal; and of former colonies of Portugal in Africa, Asia, and South America. In Africa, Portuguese remains the official language in Angola, Cape Verde Islands, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, and Sao Tome and Principe. Additionally, it now shares official language status, with Spanish and French, in the African country of Equatorial Guinea. In Asia, Portuguese shares official language status in East Timor, with Tetum; and in Macau, with Chinese. In South America, Portuguese is the official language of Brazil, which is the continent's largest country. And so there are ten countries in which Portuguese is the official language.

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Q: In which three countries is Portuguese the official language?
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What are the three countries that speak Portuguese?

There are more than three countries where Portuguese is spoken. But the three countries that have Portuguese as their official language, and that have the largest populations, are Brazil, Mozambique, and Angola. Portugal comes in fourth in terms of official language and total population.

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Brazil, the official language is Portuguese. Suriname, the official language is Dutch. Guyana, the official language is English.

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There are 55 countries and territories where English is an official language.

In which South American country is Portuguese spoken and why is it the natural language of that country?

Portuguese is the official language of Brazil, which is South America's largest country. Of all the countries of South America, it's most logical that Portuguese should be spoken in Brazil, and that it should have the status of the official language, because Brazil is a former Portuguese colony.So Portuguese is the native language of Brazilians for whom it's the mother tongue. But the language isn't native to Brazil. Instead, it was transplanted by the Portuguese navigators, rulers and settlers. And it was so successful in its naturalization that nowadays it's known, spoken and understood by almost all Brazilians.Portuguese is also spoken in many other South American Countries, becasue of the proximity and importance of Brazil, but it is not the official language of any other South American Country.Portuguese is spoken in Argentina and Uruguay, where the language is a required subject for schoolchildren. But the official language in both countries remains Spanish. Portuguese also is spoken in the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, where it's one of the nine recognized regional languages of importance. But the country's official language remains English. And, in far lesser degrees, Portuguese also is spoken in Bolivia, Paraguay, and Venezuela; in French Guiana; and in Venezuela. But the official language of the first three countries remains Spanish; and that in the last two countries, French and Dutch, respectively.

What are four countries or colonies where Portuguese is the major official language?

Portuguese is the major, official language of the southwest European country of Portugal. In fact, Portugal is the only country in the world where Portuguese is the native language of the country. For the language traces its origins back to the long-ago interactions between the Latin language of the ancient Roman conquerors, and the ancient languages of Iberia. And Portugal and Spain are the two modern countries between which the Iberian Peninsula is divided geographically and politically. Portuguese also is the major, official language of Brazil, which is South America's largest country. For the country is a former colony of Portugal. And, in fact, its first recorded discovery by a European was the expedition of Pedro Alvares Cabral [1467/1468/1469? - c. 1520], on April 21, 1500. And Portuguese is the major, official language of Angola. In fact, the former colony was linked through tight trade arrangements to both Portugal and Brazil. Consequently, the Portuguese language is the first, mother language of 60% of all Angolans. And it's the second language of 20%. And Portuguese also is the major, official language of Sao Tome and Principe. The island nation is a former Portuguese colony, off the coast of western Africa. It recognizes three national languages of importance to the history and survival of the two islands: Forro, Angolar, and Principense. All three are categozed as Portuguese-based Creole languages. But Portuguese is the sole official language, and the language spoken by 95% of the population.

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There are 14 countries with Spanish as their official language, and 6 more where it is the national language, not including the US commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Three in Central America are Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Honduras.

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Chinese is the official language in one country, which is China.

What are the three major languages spoken in Portugal?

The three major languages spoken in Portugal are Portuguese, Mirandese, and Portuguese Sign Language. Portuguese is the official language and is widely spoken throughout the country, while Mirandese is a regional language spoken in some areas. Portuguese Sign Language is used by the deaf community.

What three continents is Portuguese an official language?

Africa-nations of Angola, Mozembique speak PortugueseSouth America-Brazil is the largest portuguese speaking populationEurope-Portugal, the original speakers of PortugueseAsia-Technically East Timor, speaks portuguese, so technically there are four continents whcih has Portuguese set as an official language

How many countries use English as a native language?

There are fifty eight sovereign countries where English is an official language but may not be the primary language. There are an additional twenty one non-sovereign nations that list English as an official language. In addition there are three countries in which English is the de facto language.

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Yes, countries like Canada and Belgium have more than one official language. Canada recognizes English and French as its official languages, while Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French, and German.

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