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Simply put it is the reproductive part of the plant.

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14y ago

Pollen is used to feed the young bees and larvae.

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11y ago

Pollen grows down the style of a flower and produces 2 sperm which then fertilize an ovule and another cell (which provides energy for the ovule).

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Q: How does pollen help a plant survive?
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A Stigma can help in collecting/catching the pollen (sperm) of another plant, and holds the eggs to be fertilized by the pollen.

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It carries pollen to a pistil of another plant

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The root of the plant delivers nutrients, food for the plant, and water to help the plant to survive.

How do flowers help a plant?

Flowers aid a plant in reproducing. Bees come and get pollen from a flower, and in the prosess take pollen from the male part of a flower and it is then placed on the female part. The pollen then produces a pollen tube and will soon become fruit or seeds.

How can animals help plant reproduction?

bees get pollen on there legs as they go from flower to flower.The different pollen on the bees legs pollenates the flowers to help them live.