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Technically since 2007 all Warrant Officer's are commissioned. Before that, only CW2's and above were. If you are asking if they can become regular officers, the answer is yes. They just have to meet the same requirements any other person would need to meet. I have known a few Aviation branched Warrant Officers who have gone that route, but I know even more regular Officers who have become Warrant Officers. I am not 100% sure this is true for non-aviation branched Officers, but I would assume it would be.

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Q: Can warrant officers become commissioned
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Does a warrant officer salute other cos?

A Warrant Officer salutes any Warrant Officers senior to themselves, and all commissioned officers.

Why does an 2nd lt out rank a warrant officer?

Because Warrant Officers fall right below the lowest Officer and right above the highest Enlisted serviceman. Warrant Officers are commissioned by the head of their branch of service. Officers are commissioned by the President of the US.

When did you have to have a degree to fly in military?

Most services only have commissioned officers as pilots, and a degree is a requirement of being a commissioned officer. However, it is possible to fly as a Warrant Officer - most Army helicopter pilots are Warrant Officers, rather than commissioned officers.

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There are no warrant officers in the chaplain corps. There are chaplains, which are commissioned officers, and chaplain assistants, which are enlisted. No warrants.

Do you salute chief warrant officers?

It depends which armed forces you are a member of.Generally you do not salute warrant officers. Salutes are reserved for commissioned officers.A commission is only granted by the head of state. Such commissioned officers grant warrants, hence the name.Countries have different rules regarding warrants and warrant officers. Some you salute, depending on rank and other criteria.

Who gets saluted in the armed forces?

Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers are saluted by all enlisted personnel. Commissioned Officers of subordinate rank are required to salute other Commissioned Officers of higher rank. All military personnel are required to salute recipients of the medal of honor regardless of rank.

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may not be delegated

What is the official rank of a warrant officer?

They're officially Warrant Officers, if you're referring to the US military. They're in a separate class, between enlisted personnel and commissioned officers, and there are five Warrant Officer ranks, grades one through five.

Can a warrant officer administered oath?

A Chief Warrant Officer is technically commissioned by the President, and as such, is able to administer an oath- and they often do, especially in situations where there are no officers around.

Is there a non-commissioned officer below warrant officer?

Yes, for the United States. In order of rank from highest to lowest is Commissioned Officers, Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs or Sergeants are "enlisted"), and then the remainder of the "enlisted" service members.

How many U.S. Army officers were killed in Vietnam?

Nearly 7,000 US military officers perished in Vietnam.

How can it be 195 commission officers in the coast guard?

The correct answer to your question is: as of September 15th, 2004 there were 6,183 Commissioned Officers and 1,505 Commissioned Warrant Officers, for a total of 7,688 officers. It varies by day, depending on accessions/promotions and discharges/retirements, but that should be pretty close even though it's a few years old.