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Q: Do a nurse violate a patient privacy be tell a medical assistant about her medical condition?
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How can a medical assistant ensure patient privacy while preparing the patient for the physical examination?

A medical assistant can be considerate of/to a patient by simply being as kind and as caring as possible. If the medical assistant has been in that persons situation and they don't mind talking about their personal life then that would really be beneficial to the patient. this would allow the patient to have an insight of what they are about to go through and they don't have to worry as much, that is a very considerate medical assistant. An other way for a medical assistant to be considerate is to not judge their patients for their life or what they have done to get in the situation they are in.

What privacy training is needed for a medical office?

health information patient privacy act

How can the medical assistant ensure patient confidentiality while preparing the patient for the physical examination?

Help the patient prepare for the exam by explaining to the patient what clothing should be removed, in what direction to put the gown on, and provide a drape to ensure patient privacy. Throughout the sequence of events, explain what is happening and consistently maintain the patient's privacy and confidentiality. Place the patient's medical record in the designated area for the physician, making sure that no identifiable patient information is visible, in accordance with regulations established by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Are medical records confidential?

yes medical records are confidential due to the sake of the patient's privacy

Learning Medical Assisting Online?

A medical assistant is the person who prepares the patient for the doctor. Among a medical assistant's jobs are taking information about the patient, guiding the patient to the examination room. Taking the patient's temperature, blood pressure, weight and height information as well as asking critical questions that will aid the doctor in diagnosis. Medical assisting courses online are one of the best alternatives to gaining the necessary education in the field to become a medical assistant. Online courses for medical assistants teach the student important information on how to handle patient information. Patient information is confidential and anyone dealing the patient or the records of the patient must understand the laws concerning privacy. A medical assistant handles confidential information for the patient on a daily basis, to include a patient's entire medical history. It is a huge responsibility that cannot be taken lightly. Medical assistants who learn online have the opportunity to learn about the many aspects involved in being a medical assistant. A medical assistant must learn important medical coding necessary for insurance purposes as well as coding and filing medical folders of the patients. Medical assisting is one of the most multi-faceted positions held in the medical field. A medical assistant is often the first person who sees the person and the last person to deal with the patient in the doctor's office. Without extensive training, often beginning with medical assisting online courses, the medical assistant would be lost trying to understand the many duties and execution of those duties. Online training helps prepare future medical assistants in understanding the HIPPA laws and other legalities that could save him or her and possibly the doctor and other employees from a law suit. Medical assisting online is an important step into a future medical career. Working as a medical assistant is a rewarding, hands on career that can help determine if a career in the medical field is the best choice. It allows the medical assistant to easily further his or her education at a later date to become even more involved in the medical industry.

If a medical assistant looks at a patient's medical records are they breaching patient doctor confidentiality?

Actually patient-provider confidentiality is not breached if a medial assistant looks in a patients' chart. Medical assistant's are considered providers of healthcare also. It is reasonable to understand that the medical assistant and even the nurse will access your chart if their is a need to. Upon triage the medical assistant will triage and note their findings accordingly in your chart as required by law. The medical assistant may also need to access your chart for the purpose of obtaing an authorization for medication or even diagnostic procedures as ordered by a physician. It is required by law that you sign a "consent for treament" before medical services are provided. Contained within that consent it will clearly state "My doctor or designee". A medical assistant is a "designee" of the physician to perform these tasks. The Privacy Act of 1974 and the HIPAA Act of 1996 are the guidelines to live by in patient-provider confidentiality. Doctor-patient confidentiality means exactly that; anyone viewing the records besides the doctor or the patient without permission constitutes a breach. There are some exceptions but these tend to occur in a hospital setting, or a mental institution. Even then, other staff participating in treatment will typically keep their own records as necessary.

What rule in HIPAA deals with patient access to records?

The Privacy Rule controls the access a patient has to her own medical records.

Can you release medical records to other than the patient?

Medical records can't be released to anyone without signed consent from the patient. There are laws that protect the privacy of patients and their medical information called HIPPA.

What is the best place to discuss a patient's condition?

Medical personnel should use a private area to discuss patient information. The hospital room is still used as the #1 place for discussions between patient/family and doctors, but privacy cannot be assured or protected there. Medical personnel should avoid discussing patient information in the hallways, at the nursing desk where visitors might overhear, or in public areas like elevators or the cafeteria.

How medical examination body position benefits patient and nurse?

Using a body position appropriate to to the medical exam allows the patient to maintain as much privacy as possible, and allows both nurse and patient to maximize comfort and ergonomic safety.

Do hippa laws protect privacy if a crime is committed in a hospital by a patient?

Only the patients medical information - nothing else.

Why is it important for a medical asst to have a knowledge of law?

Because they need to know what the patient has been doing perhaps that is against the law and it is a law for medical reasons i.e. if someone attempts suicide the medical assistant needs to know if it is against the law By Chloe Bell, Year 7, Brooke Weston CTC