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as a nurse i never felt any stressful situation. as for me the duty of the nurse is to look after to the patients with care and affection of their need. we are the only one who can give them peace and make them motivated when they are in death bed and even can bring their life back.

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Q: How did you handle the most stressful situation you encountered as a nurse?
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Is being a nurse stressful?

Sometimes but it depends on how busy the day is and who their patient is.

What is another term for 'take care of'?

handle Look after, nurse, care for.

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There are many characteristics that lead to a desired temperament for a nurse. These characteristics include being a good communicator, being compassionate, being knowledgeable, and staying levelheaded especially when faced with stressful situations.

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In intensive cardiac care unit, the treatment is started by the nurse only. Patient is put on cardiac monitor and nurse is the first person to initiate treatment before the doctor comes to her rescue, who is informed about the emergency.

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A nurse would probably refer the patient to an eating disorder specialist.

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you must mean dyspepsia. I am a nurse and i haven't encountered the word pepsia in all my years of working. Dyspepsia is indigestion, to put it simply.

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As a nurse, you can expect to work closely with all types of patients that are in the hospital. This is a very stressful job with a high burnout rate. You may take a patent's vital signs, act as a liaison between patient and cot or and much more.

Who is responsible for Nurse Recruitments?

A larger hospital has a nurse recruiter. Otherwise, nurses are recruiter through a variety of means, all managed by HR. Other institutions handle nurse recruitment in-house or through third party recruiters.

Can you keep your skirt on during a smear test?

Yes. The nurse will do anything she can to make you comfortable with the situation.

Where can I find more information on becoming a pediatrician?

As a mother, you are most likely getting a bit of "on the job training" that will make a career in pediatrics a little less stressful. Whether you pursue a degree as a doctor, nurse, assistant or other medical professional, the training and job demands can be stressful but also rewarding.