A good idea would be to start you answer by saying how your number one goal when choosing a career was to choose one that you would be happy at. Then go on to say how after learning about this job position, you feel that this job would best suit that goal (of being happy). Then you could simply end it by saying that "and of course a happy worker is an efficient worker". This is a short answer, but remember, interviewers are not looking for length, they are just looking for the person that sticks out (in a positive way of course), so droning on with a long answer might diminish the chances of getting the job. also say that your main motivation in life is to exceed above expectation.
There can be many reasons. The best answer could depend on your situation. Some options can include:
This would be a question asking during an interview to work for an airline company , they want to know why you would be passionate about working for their company.
It kinda depends on what context you want to use it in. An example would be: I'm an Interviewer for this newspaper company. Can I get a word from you?
There are a few different ways you could take this. This list is not exhaustive. 1) Tell the Interview that You Fit the Company's Vision: This is the most common and persuasive argument. You discuss what the Company's mission is, what its workplace character is, and what its ethics are. You then discuss how your qualities match both the position and would benefit the goals of the Company. (Therefore, you are saying that you need the job to show how much you could give to the company.) 2) Tell the Interviewer that the Company's Vision fits you: This is the reverse of the previous suggestion. You discuss your values, hopes, and dreams and show how the company and position match who you are. (Therefore you are saying that you need the job because it would help you become a better you.) 3) Tell the Interviewer that You Do Not Need the Job, but You Want It: This is a tricky one, but you basically tell the Interviewer that you chose the Company not out of desperation, but because you really want to join the type of environment that the Company has to offer.
Often times during a job interview you will be asked what you ultimately want to become. This helps the interviewer understand where your headed and whether or not the company is a good fit for you.
When an interviewer asks you "Why should I consider you for this job?" they want to know what you can do for the company that no other candidate can do. Think about it from the interviewers perspective - they want to know what your contribution to the company will be. Some people may start listing their own accomplishments, but the interviewer doesn't want someone with a great resume, they want someone who is going to make a difference at the company.
as the interviewee you shouldn't show the interviewer you want to put too much emphasis the fact you want to know about all the benefits of the company in the first few interviews. the interviewer wants to know that you are interested in the position/company and everything they have to offer vs just what benefits they have -- even if this is really important to you, its important you don't want to show the interviewer that's all your interested in
ANSWER: Tell the interviewer that you want to be of service to the company and that you will give your best to be the employee that they need.
The most important three things an interviewer would emphasize and know about you are presence of mind, depth of knowledge ,clarity of vision.
a person doesn't receive a job offer from that company
This is the kind of question designed to find evidence of your curiousity and initiative. You would want to demonstrate your interest in the company as well. So as an interviewer I'd want to hear things likeresearched the company websitelooked at other internet references on the companyspoke to people in the company or who know the companyif it has stores or outlets that you had visited themThere is a guide to competency based interviews in the links below
When you are asked why you want to work for Costa Coffee, you should give your best attributes. You need to convince the interviewer that you are an asset to the company that they should hire.
Your teacher or interviewer does not want to hear what some anonymous person on the internet wishes - they want to hear YOUR wishes.