If you completed the RN program at an accredited college or university it will not be like starting over. However, once you start the professional phase of the program (because of the sequential nature of the courses) it will still be the same time. Understand at this time there is no longer a bachelors degree for the purpose of become a physical therapist. Some institutions may still have a masters in this field however it will soon - if not already - be a doctorate.
Yes, you need to have a degree to be a physical therapy assistant. The only other alternative would be to shadow a physical therapist on your path to earning your own degree.
While physical therapy courses are available online, the requirements include already having traditional training courses completed. Some of these courses also require already having obtained a bachelors degree.
There are many certifications related to physical therapy. These include a physical therapy aide certificate, certificates in specialized physical therapy, and a graduate degree in physical therapy.
A doctorate degree is required for a doctor of physical therapy. The minimum degree requirement at present within the United States is a master's degree in physical therapy. A five hundred question exam is also government required.
A physical therapy assistant is typically at the associate degree level. At present the minimum degree requirement for a physical therapist is a master's degree, and soon to become a doctorate.
The bachelor's degree in physical therapy is no longer offered for entry as a physical therapist. The minimum degree requirement at present is a master's degree in physical therapy, and this may change in the near future to a doctorate for entry to the field.
There are many different careers you can get with a physical therapy degree. Some of these careers include being a trainer, or working with physical rehab patients.
You must obtain a bachelors degree and take prerequisite coursework prior to applying for physical therapy school, which is now generally a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. Physical Therapist Assistants are a 2 year associates degree which may be commenced after high school.
If you are lucky enough to have a degree from a physical therapy school, there are many jobs open to you.You could work as a physical therapists or occupational Therapists.
a doctorate degree - lots of school, very hard.
all of them