The highest average pay for janitor jobs is 15$ per hour. The pay depends on where you work. if its a corporation or a mall or a store, the average pay widely varies.
The average national pay for janitorial jobs is about ten dollars an hour. It is an extremely difficult job.
The average pay for Maintenance Engineering Jobs is around $61,000. A huge amount, so if you are looking for that kind of job, go for it!
The average pay for criminal investigator jobs in big cities like Texas is 62k per year. In small cities the average pay for this job can be as low as $40k per year.
Nursing jobs are in demand and depending on the region one lives in, will determine the pay. Experienced nurses also receive higher pay. On average a nurse can expect 50,000.00 a year.
The average pay rate for administrative and clerical jobs in California is about thirty thousand dollars annually, which is about 2.5 thousand dollars a month.
In the United Kingdom, the average pay level for data entry workers is around £5.50 to £6.50 per hour. In the USA, it is usually around $12- $19 per hour.
Engineering consultant jobs generally pay a decent amount, roughly $30,000+, annually and depending on the person and job, you may receive raises and bonuses as well.
Yes they do pay a similar rate. The average pay scale for a truck driver in that area is about $48000 a year.
Salesperson jobs typically are paid on commission so the pay average can vary significantly. However the minimum wage is 7.25 and that is what most people in retail will start out with.
Generally the YMCA does not pay that much. It is about average compared to other jobs. If you have college education that you can be an instructor you may make more.
The average pay rates in San Diego for jobs was $24 when last checked. The hourly wage in San Diego is much greater then other places from around the North America.