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Q: What is the major industry in Greenland?
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Greenland's major industry is fishing. This includes shrimp, halibut, salmon, and cod. In the past, whaling and hunting were major industries in Greenland.

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What is Greenland's main industry?

mostly the fishing industry since fish and fish products are their main export

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Greenland and Antarctica.

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Zambia's major industry is mining.

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the first major industry in WV was the lumber industry

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Georgia's first major industry was textiles.

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He founded two colonies in Greenland.

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There are a variety of major landforms in Finland. Some of these landforms include hills and low mountains, the Archipelago Sea, and lakes.

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Lumbering is not New Jersey's major industry.

What is the major industry of England?

There is no single major industry. It does however have a particularly big financial and banking industry. Much of the old heavy industry has declined and light industry is now predominant.