is a good start to look for security guard training academies in your area. Generally there is not much training required to be an unarmed security guard, you should also check with the security guard licencing department for your state.
You can find jobs for a security officer online, in newspapers and on bulletin boards. Many police stations have listings of businesses that want to hire security guards. There are business that provide security officers for other businesses. They hire and train you and then pay you to work for other companies. is the source where you can Find all 148 Security Guard jobs in Oakland at Simply Hired, the largest search engine for jobs.
Besides online job search sites such as,, or, you can find Security Jobs at Indeed ( or (
If you are looking for security guard jobs in Texas you should go to the displaced workers program. They can get you jobs in plants, factories,colleges or may even consider you for TDJC.
You can go to and search for security guard jobs in the new york area.
It is very possible to get a job as a security guard. The company Find Me Jobs is very good at locating jobs in any location. They can be contacted by email or phone, and have a long list of jobs in any city.
There are several online job search engines that offer listings of security guard jobs in Long Beach, CA. One of these is Several major security guard companies, such as Wackenhut, routinely advertise for jobs online. Try searching listings at or
With security training, one can find multiple jobs. Such jobs are security guard for a building or store and bodyguard. However, one may still ask for requirements before applying.
In order to find out whether or not you need to have security clearance if you are applying for a security guard job, you must consult the people who are in charge of the job and ask them, or consult the government and ask them about the policy.
Local community colleges will offer security training.
There are no qualifications. Most security guard jobs are hourly and you may need certification if you are carrying a weapon.
Most Security Guard jobs are on the job training any special training you need is usually given by the company or they tell you where to go from my experience's.
there are a few sites online that deal with this question about security guard jobs . here are the sites I hope they can help you Forums Job Security Guard ,