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Your husband can sue you and your boyfriend depending on your states laws. Also, if your husband finds out you are dating, a judge can grant him a divorce on the grounds of adultery.

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Q: Can your husband sue or sue you for having an affair if you are still legally married to him but separated already for 10 months now if he finds out you have a boyfriend?
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Once your husband dies, the marriage is no longer valid. You may marry whoever you like.

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If not legally separated, you will probably have to wait until open enrollment through your employer to cancel her insurance. If you do get legally separated, you can cancel insurance as you have had "change in status." Usually insurance companies will process changes outside of open enrollment when you have a change in family status. An example of this would be getting married, having a baby, or getting divorced/legally separated.

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Possibly. Unless they were legally separated or the boyfriend's paternity has been established, the husband is presumed to be the father of the child in question.

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Yes, if you are a joint defendant or hold jointly owned property.

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The man who made you pregnant.

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Married but filing separate

Can you be legally separated while living in same house as your husband?

Yes, in fact the only way you can divorce your husband is while you are married to him.