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Oklahoma emancipation laws only gives minors the ability to enter into contracts and conduct business. It does not give them the right to establish a separate residence from their parents. The state of Oklahoma also recognize "partial" emancipation as an alternative to complete emancipation. In these instances, the child will be awarded certain rights, such as the right to manage their own money or the right to choose their own school but will still fall under their parents' supervision for all other matters.

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Kentucky does have emancipation laws.

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can you get emancipated at 17 in oklahoma?

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There is no emancipation in Oklahoma.

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Oklahoma doesn't have an emancipation statute per se. they do have the ability to give an order granting 'Confirmation of Majority Rights.' This gives a minor the legal right to contract, but it is rarely granted.

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There are no emancipation laws in New York.

Where can you get emancipation papers at in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma does not have an emancipation statute. You will have to wait until you become an adult. If you are not safe contact your local social services to get help.

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Nebraska does not have emancipation laws.

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There is no emancipation status for this state.

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Florida has emancipation laws. Emancipation means the act of removing disabilities of nonage. By emancipation, an person will be given all the rights and responsibilities of an adult.

What are the laws in Iowa concerning emancipation?

There is no emancipation status for this state.

Can your parents make you live at home when you turn 18 in Oklahoma?

The age of emancipation is 18, even in Oklahoma.

Can you move from Oklahoma to Texas and live on your own legally at the age of 17 if you attend school and have a job?

No, the legal age of majority for both states is eighteen (18). Oklahoma does not have emancipation status, for laws regarding the age of majority consult Oklahoma Revised Statutes (ORS) 43-551-102.

Can a Minor be Emancipated without going to Oklahoma court?

Emancipation requires a court order. Otherwise it is not a legal emancipation.

Is there emancipation in Logan County Oklahoma?

There is no statute in Oklahoma to allow emancipation. You'll have to wait until you are the age of majority. If you are not safe at home, contact the local social services agency to get help.