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Coolio has a song by that name.

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Q: Who originally sang the song gangsters paradise?
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Who sang the original gangsters special song

What film is gangsters paradise song in?

It is from Dangerous minds

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Gangsters Paridise was the song he made into Amish Paradise

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ganster's paradise states this but it is not metal!

Who sang the 80s song Paradise?


What is the theme song from dangerous minds?

there's not really a theme song for it but there is a little song but its not long

Who originally sang Hey I'm screaming at you Mitchel Musso's song?

I believe the song was originally sang by a band with the name of Gillmor

Who originally sang you Will Be you Leland Grant or Ashley Tisdale?

THE SONG IS "I WILL BE ME" but i dont know who originally sang it

Who sang you have been to paradise but you have never been to you?

The song "You Have Been to Paradise (But You've Never Been to Me)" was originally sung by Charlene. It was released in 1982 and became a popular hit.

What was the rap song The Green and Kato sang?

Gangstas paradise by coolio

Who sang the originally jeffrey osborne's song 'Yes you are ready to learn' in the 1960's?

Barbara Mason originally sang the song, Yes I'm Ready.

Who sang the song 'Speed Your Love to Me'?

The band Simple Minds originally sang and performed the song "Speed Your Love to Me".