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Q: Depending upon the estimated dollar value of the acquisition and agency procedures the decision to award will be made by?
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Acquisition Strategy

When is a decision made after a deposition hearing?

After a deposition hearing, a decision is typically made by the authority handling the case based on the information and evidence presented during the deposition. The timing of the decision can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the specific legal procedures involved.

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"A memorandum signed by the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) that documents decisions made as the result of a Milestone Decision Review (MDR) or decision review." -ACQuipedia

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Who provides guidance to Program Managers for planning competition requirements contract award procedures and warrenties?

Program Managers receive guidance for planning competition requirements, contract award procedures, and warranties from various sources. These include government regulations such as the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), agency-specific policies and procedures, and guidance from higher-level officials within the program's organization. Additionally, program managers may seek advice and support from contracting officers, legal counsel, and subject matter experts to ensure compliance and effective decision-making.

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Defense Acquisition Managemenst System

Which DoD decision support system is event driven and involves the process of periodic review and approval of programs to progress into subsequent acquisition life cycle phases?

Defense Acquisition Management SystemPlanning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution

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One of the main things used for presidential crisis decision making is using military force as a procedure. Another procedure is voting within the government and a public vote. But there are many more other procedures out there.

The Acquisition Strategy should normally be generated using an integrated product team (IPT) approach including representation from all of the players listed below EXCEPT the .?

Milestone decision authority

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A programmed decision is a repetitive and routine decision that can be resolved using policies, rules, or standard operating procedures. These decisions are typically well-structured and solved through established guidelines without requiring much creativity or judgment.

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