In South Carolina you have to be at least 18 to get married without permission. With parental permission a girl can get married at 14. A boy has to be at least 16, and requires his parent's consent.
In South Carolina, the legal age to drop out of high school without parental permission is 17.
The legal smoking age in South Carolina is 21 years old. This applies to the purchase, possession, and consumption of tobacco and nicotine products.
The age of consent in South Carolina is 16 years old. This means that individuals aged 16 and older are considered legally able to give consent to engage in sexual activity.
In South Carolina, the legal age to leave your parents' house without their consent is 18 years old. At that age, individuals are considered adults under the law and have the right to make their own decisions regarding where they live.
The legal marriage age for boys in India is 21 years.
In South Carolina you have to be at least 18 to get married without permission. With parental permission you can get married as young as 14 for the female. The minimum age for the male is also 14.
there is not a legal age for babysitting it is up to the parents and what the feel comfortable with
South Carolina's legal age of majority is eighteen.
Upon marriage or upon becoming 18 years of age.
In South Carolina, the legal age to drop out of high school without parental permission is 17.
The legal smoking age in South Carolina is 21 years old. This applies to the purchase, possession, and consumption of tobacco and nicotine products.
S.C. age of majority is eighteen for both genders.
The age of consent in South Carolina is 16 years old. This means that individuals aged 16 and older are considered legally able to give consent to engage in sexual activity.
In South Carolina, you must at least 21 years old to purchase a knife. You also are not supposed to even carry a knife if you are under 21 years old.
The legal age of consent in the state of South Carolina is 16. However, a 14 year old is still able to give sexual consent to a person who is age 18 or younger.