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AS-TU DÉJEUNÉ? .... petit-déjeuner means BREAKFAST in France ... in CANANDA you say Déjeuner

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"Tu as mangé le petit-déjeuner?"

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Q: How do you say did you eat breakfast in French?
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How do you say I eat breakfast in french?

Je mange au le petit déjeuner.

How do you say i go and have my breakfast in spanish?

Como mi desayuna :) Como is I Eat. In spanish you don't say i have my breakfast you have to say i eat my breakfast :D

What is the pastry that the french traditionally eat for breakfast called?

Do you mean a crossiant. That's the french pastry I know of that they eat for breakfast. Hope this helps!!

Do french people eat cakes for breakfast?

Not usually. They do sometimes eat tea cakes or pastries for breakfast, though.

How do you say 'have breakfast' in French?

"to have breakfast" is "prendre le petit-déjeuner", now if you want to use it in the imperative form like "have breakfast!", it would be more like: "petit-déjeune!", or simply "mange!" (eat!)

What do French people like to eat for breakfast?

French people often like to eat beans and sausages for breakfast. Sometimes they eat squirrels or frogs. But that's only on special occasions.

How do you say 'where's my breakfast' in french?


How do you say bed and Breakfast hotel in French?

Un bed and breakfast (these are borrowed words)

What time do the French eat breakfast?

7-9 in the morning.

Do french people eat crepes for lunch?

Yes, they could do, but the french mostly have them for breakfast.

What do french people like eating for breakfast?

French people often like to eat beans and sausages for breakfast. Sometimes they eat squirrels or frogs. But that's only on special occasions.

How do the French say breakfast?

petit-déjuner It is masculine.