The manager laid the papers on his table is the correct past tense. (to lay)
The word "lay" is the past tense of the intransitive verb (to lie, to lie down), e.g. The manager lay on the table (not the papers).
Both sentences are correct, but the first one ("I appreciate your sending the papers") is more formal. The second one ("I appreciate you sending the papers") is more commonly used in everyday conversation.
The correct sentence with subject-verb agreement is: "Peer editing academic papers requires critical-thinking skills and diplomacy." In this sentence, the singular subject "peer editing" agrees with the singular verb "requires."
'Was' is used in past tense, while 'is' is used in present tense. For example, "She was reading a book yesterday" uses 'was' because it refers to a past action, and "She is reading a book now" uses 'is' because it refers to a current action.
S' is a contraction of "se" in French and is used as a reflexive pronoun in front of a verb to indicate that the subject of the verb is also the recipient of the action. It is used in sentences where the subject is performing an action on itself or where there is a reciprocal action between multiple subjects.
Position papers should be written in the active voice to clearly convey the writer's arguments and viewpoints. The active voice makes the writing more direct, engaging, and persuasive. Passive voice can make sentences longer, more complex, and less engaging to the reader.
Both sentences are correct, but the first one ("I appreciate your sending the papers") is more formal. The second one ("I appreciate you sending the papers") is more commonly used in everyday conversation.
you get to help people you have to correct papers you get to help people you have to correct papers
Your manager. Ask for assistance in the customer service department if not directed to manager.
When you will receive papers is not a complete sentence. It is a fragment.
The correct usage of formal English involves employing proper grammar, using complete sentences, and avoiding slang or colloquialisms. It is important to use the appropriate tone and vocabulary for the situation, such as when writing professional emails, academic papers, or official documents.
Only one space is required
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Here are some sentences.We will collate this report for you.Collate your papers before turning them in.
Piece of paper
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