I do believe that you would be deployable again as soon as you are done with you 45 days of convelesent leave. Before you even have the baby you should have a family care program set up so that someone can take you baby while you are gone, enabling you to go. However, if you don't have a family care program set up then you are not deployable, if you can not set one up or if it fails then you may be chaptered out of the army (usualy people do this one on purpose so that they can get out or get back from a deployment early).
depends on whos doing it
Non-deployable normally means he will not leave CONUS (Continental United States).
So long as you are certified and have your Vet Tech license then you should be able to help deliver foals.
yes, as long as it is not every 5 minutes.
How long Dus it take amazon .com todeliver to UK do they deliver on a Sunday
I will deliver the package to your address tomorrow.
Army ants are 14mm long, while the queen army ant is 3cm long.
How long does it take the post office to deliver bulk mail...specifically from Birmingham to Houston
!7 Days
The phrase (not sentence) 'long-standing army' is grammatically correct. It means 'an army that has been established for a long time.'