In the wild all of the hamster species eat a variety of seeds, plants and insects. We can give our pet hamsters all of the nutrients they need by giving them a varied and balanced diet.
The main part of your hamster's diet should consist of a good quality hamster mix. As with us, foods containing lots of artificial colours and additives won't do your hamster any good. I have seen hamster mixes containing bright purple biscuits and bright yellow popcorn. This sort of hamster mix is best avoided. Your hamster can be fed a wide variety of fruit and vegetables. Give your hamster a small piece of fruit or vegetable daily. Don't give your hamster citrus fruits or onions as these foods are very acidic and will give your pet an upset stomach. Instead, have a look at the following list and see how much variety you can treat your hamster to. All of the fruit and vegetables offered to your hamster should be well washed to remove any residue of dirt or pesticides. Drain off surplus water and present the goodies to your pet.
In the wild your hamster would also eat insects. You can provide the protein that your hamster needs by giving your pet any of the following foods.
get a cat toy ball with the bells in them and put hamster treats in them and put them a the wheel that they typically are running on.
Some homemade hamster food recipes that are recommended include a mix of fresh fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apples, and leafy greens, along with grains like oats and barley. You can also include small amounts of protein sources like cooked chicken or tofu. It's important to research and ensure that the ingredients are safe and appropriate for your hamster's diet.
The word for food you make at home is homemade.
Some creative recipes for homemade hamster food that provide a balanced diet include mixing together a combination of grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. You can also include protein sources like cooked eggs or mealworms. It's important to research and ensure that the ingredients you use are safe and nutritious for your hamster.
put it in blue food colouring
Because junk food has lots of fats, which brings up more weight. Homemade is better because whoever is cooking for you knows what's right. Junk food does have oils and fats. And when you make food at home you prevent from using oils and fats. So, homemade food has a greater chance of being healthier.
Save the hamster food
Hamster's love crackers. If you look at a hamster food mix you can see most of the food in there looks crunchy right? Crackers are known to be crunchy! If you want to give your hamster crackers make sure they are not salted because salted would make them sick! Hope you hamster like's them!
Type your answer here... If you wanna make hamster food yourself than read this.Hamster food can be made 1cup of of oats and grains 1piece of shredded lettuce 2 cut up grapes a small pack of raisins and any wheat bread. This can last 1 hamster up to 2 weeks i have 2 hamsters and 2 pet miceand it last up to a week. So if you want your hamster to have a healthly diet than make Autumns healthy hamster food.
Certaintly not!!!!!!!! Give your hamster hamster food or fruit and vegatables. If you have given your hamster chinchilla food than you could make your pet seriously ill. Take my advice and make sure you read up more details and to find out exactly what they can eat. If you have fed them chinchilla food talk to a vet.
Hartz "Bananas" is a very nutritious hamster poo. It has fruits and vegetables to make a complete nutrition for a hamster's diet.
One easy recipe for homemade hamster food is to mix together a combination of grains, seeds, nuts, and dried fruits. Some examples include oats, sunflower seeds, almonds, and dried cranberries. You can also add in some fresh vegetables like carrots or cucumbers for added nutrition. Just be sure to research which foods are safe for hamsters before including them in their diet.