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Males can be as much as 120 inches.(ten feet) Females are smaller, averaging eight feet or slightly more.

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Q: How long is the Bengal tiger from head to the end of the tail in inches?
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How big are the teeth on a Bengal tiger?

The canine teeth of Bengal tigers may be 5 inches long on a male. Additonal Info: The Bengal Tiger's canine teeth are larger, and longer than any other of it's cousins in the same size range, such as the lion and the jaguar. In fact, they are the longest of any living big cat. They are on average between three and four inches in length. The Bengal's canine teeth are so vital to it's day to day hunting life that, many researcher's believe, if a tiger breaks one or both of their canines, there is a good chance the tiger could starve. For more details please see the sites listed below.

How long is a Bengal tiger's tooth?

Longer then your thumb

How long is the incubation period for a Bengal tiger?

A bengal tiger cub stays with their mother for about 1 year or less. They don't have an incubation period.

How big can a white female Bengal tiger grow?

A female Bengal tiger may grow to a length of 5 to 6 feet in length (only head and body). Its tail is may be around 2 to 3 feet long. Standing at a shoulder height of around 2.5 feet, female Bengal tigers may weigh around 250 to 450 pounds (110 to 200 kg). Their maximum skull length may be about 8 to 12 inches length. The largest Bengal tiger seen till date weighed close to 390 kg.

What does white Bengal tiger mean?

Bengal tigers are endangered wild cats and are the second largest subspecies of tiger in the world. Unlike lions, their fur coat is reddish orange, with vertical stripes that help them camouflage in long grasses, when hunting. The Bengal tiger is the national animal of India and Bangladesh.Please see the related link below, to see a picture of a Bengal tiger..that is a species of tigersthe royal bengal tiger.

How long is a tiger from head to claws?

How tall is a tiger from head to claws? How long is a Tiger from head to tail? It all depends, both on the tiger and on the species.

How long is the Bengal tiger's lifespan?

Around 20 years or so.

Is it long if a Bengal tiger can live up to 8-10 years?

It would be considered a good age for a Bengal tiger to live that long in the wild, because they are always at risk of being killed by poachers.

How long is a tigers fangs?

Tiger's fangs can be up to five inches long.

From the main coon the bengal the chetoh the savannah and the toyger what is their hair type long or short?

From the main coon the Bengal the cheetah and the tiger have long type of hair.

What is the body mass of a female Bengal tiger?

Females can weigh 325 pounds, be over eight feet long, and stand 32 inches at the shoulder.

How long does a tiger sharks get?

About 49 inches long.