Actualy, an Appaloosa is a breed of horse. You can always tell if a horse is an Appaloosa or not, because Appaloosa's always have spots of some sort on their body. However, there are different coats for Appaloosa's. Like a Spotted Blanket and an Appaloosa few spots, to name a few. Hope that helps!
appaloosas are registered with the American Appaloosa Horse Association (AAHA)The international breed registry is the APA: Appaloosa Horse Association
No they are not the same breed. The Appaloosa and Quarter horse are two seperate breeds.
Roughly like an appaloosa horse with marble markings
They cannot throw-up. For me, that is an interesting fact. :P
No, a horse won't eat a dog! in fact, horses and dogs make pretty good friends. i have a pitbull and an appaloosa who are the best of buds.
A horse with spots. Like the Appaloosa
The best-known Appaloosa registry/association is the Appaloosa Horse Club, or the ApHC.
There is no code for an Appaloosa available online.
That is the correct spelling of the proper noun (breed of horse) Appaloosa.
Appaloosa is a breed of horse known for its distinctive coat pattern, which includes spots and speckles.
The spotted horse