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Q: What treatment should you use for your 4 week old kitten that has feline lice?
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Related questions

What does lice look like on a kitten?

only humans can get lice

Can you perm hair after lice treatment?

You should wait about a week to make sure the lice are gone.

How do you apply lice treatment?

Read the back of the lice treatment box. :-/

Does lice treatment destroy your hair?

no it just makes it prettyer

Should i do a lice treatment if i don't have lice?

In a way yes, but then no..........because if you get it done you have a better chance of not getting head lice, but if you dont have it what is the point of wasting your money

What is the best lice treatment in the Philippines?

lice safe

What is the easiest way to get rid of lice eggs?

there many cleaning agents which you can purchase from pharmacists which is a natural and gentle head lice treatment that eliminates live lice and nits (lice eggs) in one day. It is important to use an effective nit comb to remove all dead lice, nits, and debris after a head lice treatment is used.

What precaution should be taken by a the caregiver treating a person with lice?

The person applying the treatment for lice should wear rubber gloves and rinse the patient's hair or body completely after use.

How lice can be remove from hair?

baby oil and vinegar works lice hate grassy item or get dish soup work lol bye lice and fleas

Can an unborn baby be harmed by pubic lice?

No, pubic lice will not harm an unborn baby. Pregnant women should choose pubic lice treatment carefully with their health care provider's advice. A baby can get pubic lice during birth, but not before.

Why is lice treatment necessary?

Lice treatment is necessary because having lice is very unhealthy and can lead to other diseases. Lice can also spread from human to human, and it's a type of nuisance that makes one unpleasant to be around.

Where can you find an image of feline lice?

Use the link below and a couple will appear at the top of the "hit list" that will come up.