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Because they want attention!!! You give them food, water, etc. And they want more attention, cause usually people shoo them away. You actually helped them get through a little part of life!!!!! Giving them a little food and water is like a miracle from heaven to a stray cat!! They get so little in life, it's sad!!! When it meows all it wants is love!

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Q: Why do stray cats meow when you give them food water and then leave?
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Related questions

Do stray cats eat chicken?

Cats, even stray cats, can and usually will eat plain (unseasoned) chicken, cooked or raw. If you have no cat food to give to the stray, then chicken is a good substitute.

How do you get rid of stray cats when you own cats?

If your feeding the stray cat then its more then likely to keep coming thereso IF you are feeding it Stop don't throw scraps out that your cats wont eatand take notice of how much your cats eat their food from the tin and the box and thisis cause if they leave a little in the bowl then the stray cat can just come alongand start eating out of it and if you have a female cat that's not done so it canthave kittens then its possible that the stray cat is a male that's not done andis looking for food,home,hugs,pats,kisses and female cats that you might have.IF THIS WASN'T THE ANSWER YOU WANTED SORRY I COULDN'T HELP.Call a shelter!

How do you get stray cats from eating your cats food?

Put it somewhere the strays can't get to it and you cat can.. (like inside your house)

Where are stray cats found?

Well they can be found in alleys or little neighborhood or in the woods. Anywhere where there's enough shelter and a good enough supply of food and water.

Who benefits from stray animals?

the effects of stray cats and dogs are that they both are living a bad life out in the wild they don't have a place to live they are hungry digging through trash can just to find some time of food so those are some effects on stray cats and dogs

How do you get cats out your garden?

I am not so sure. Cats tend to come in back gardens if foxes are there because they are known to scavenge for the fox's food's leftovers, that is one out of a few easy ways cats get food. Cats that come in your garden can be stray or domestic, stray cats normally tend to come in gardens more than domestic because stray cats hardly get fed by people but domestic cats that have good, caring owners get fed twice a day. Try and get the foxes out of your garden; the cats might follow them. If it is your own cats, you could make sure they are getting fed enough.

Do groundhogs eat dry cat food?

I have a wild groung hog that comes just about everyday and eats the cat food that I set out for the wild cats.

Do house cats die faster than stray cats?

In almost all cases, no. Stray cats fight for food, that still may not be edable, and get in many fights with other stray cats, and are injured a lot. They sleep on the streets and are almost always cold. A cat that is loved and fed and brushed has a much better life span. They never have to fight and risk being injured for food, and have a nice place to sleep. Some lucky stray cat may live a long time, but it is always going to be a hard life. A pet cat has a much better life.

What can you feed a stray cat?

Milk Water Cat food (if you have it) Various kinds of meat Well, the question is more like what to feed a cat. You can feed cats a variation of different things.

What to feed stray cats?

I would say wet cat food from a can, probably chicken or fish flavour, just any kind of cat food but my cat seems to like wet food better than dry food and we got her when she was a stray and now shes freindly

Where do stray cats usually hang around?

Feral cats live in the wild, but are not the same as stray cats or wild cats in that they are descended from domestic cats but have had no contact with humans. Feral cats can live mostly anywhere, in any environment that humans can also live in.

How do you feed house cats?

leave food in their bowl for them to eat