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I believe there are 7 alphabetical characters used:

I, V, X, L, C, M & D.
I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000 That's 7 letters.

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Q: How many letters or alphabets are used in the Roman system of numerals?
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Is there roman numerals for letters?

8D Nonono, Roman Numerals were a counting system. Just like you can't make letters with 123..., you can't make letters for numerals.

Why are Roman Numerals unique?

Roman numerals are unique because the numbers are represented in the form of alphabets.

Why are Roman Numerals letters?

Roman numerals are letters because i said so

What are facts that numbers and roman numerals are different?

A) Arabic numerals are in numbers whereas Roman numerals are in letters.B) Even if Roman numerals are in letters the symbols are easier to understand, despite the fact that Australians and Americans and most probably you write numbers using the system of Arabic numerals.C) The system of Roman numerals was invented before the system of Arabic numerals, but people use the system of Arabic numerals to write more frequently.

What is Phoenician letters?

They invented an alphabet from which developed the Greek and Roman alphabets, and hence today's alphabets.

How do you write 1988 in Roman numerals?

MCMLXXXVIII is the number 1988 in roman numerals. This number is a combination of various alphabets having their own meaning.

How do you write a to z in roman numerals?

Letters are not numbers. Not all letters in the alphabet represent Roman numerals though some letters do.

What is the roman numerals for LOVE?

The word LOVE does not form a valid Roman numeral. The letters O and E are used in the Roman numeral system.

What number is DCVII in Roman Numerals?

DC are alphabets. VII is 7 DCVII is 607 (

How were large numbers in roman numerals shown?

As any other roman numerals...with letters.

What is 9797 in Roman Numerals?

In roman letters it is MMMMMMMMMDCCXCVII.

Why is it called roman numerals?

Roman numerals are called so because they were used by the ancient Romans as their numbering system. The Romans adapted and modified the Etruscan numerals, which in turn were derived from the ancient Greek numeral system. The use of these numerals continued throughout the Roman Empire and have since become a widely recognized system for representing numbers in various contexts.