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its least count will be one second

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Q: What is the least count of clock if it has hours hand minutr hand and second hand?
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What is the least count of a clock if it has hours hand minutes hand and seconds hand?

one second

How many times does the second hand on a clock circle the clock in seven hours?

The second hand on the clock circles 420 times in 7 hours.

Why is the third hand on the clock called a second hand?

Because it points at the seconds? hours minutes seconds

Is second the standard international unit of time?

yes, seconds, minutes, hours. there is no metric clock.

How long does it take to count up to 300000?

it depends on how fast you count. If you count one number every second it would take 300,000 seconds which is 5000 minutes or 83 hours if you can stay awake that long. If you count ten numbers a second that is about 8.3 hours

If you use one second to count 3600 pesos how many hours would you take to count?

One hour if each number takes a second. There are 3,600 seconds in one hour

What is the duration of Count the Hours?

The duration of Count the Hours is 1.27 hours.

There are two clocks of different colors- the red clock is broken and doesn't run at all but the blue clock loses one second every 24 hours Which clock is more accurate?

The red clock is more accurate because even though it is broken and doesn't run, it is showing the correct time twice a day. The blue clock loses one second every 24 hours, making it gradually fall out of sync with the correct time.

Why does a clock have 12 hours on it-why not 24?

because u dont count time like its 13 o clock its starts back at 1 o clock i dont think n.e.1 counts time like that & it be alot harder to put on a watch u kno

Why was the water clock made?

The water clock was made to measure time by regulating the flow of liquid through a container with markings indicating the passage of time. It allowed ancient civilizations to track time more accurately, schedule tasks, and organize daily life.

How do you set the clock on a clarion drb5177 CD player?

Hit and hold the disp button for a second or so. When clock starts blinking, use the arrows of the channels to set hours and minutes.

Where does 9 plus 4 equal 1?

9 plus 4 equals 1 in the 12 hour clock. If you start at 9am in the morning, and add 4 hours too the 9, you get an answer of 1 if you count using the 12 hour clock.