Garder is a verb which means to keep.
"Garder les lames lubrifiées" means "keep the blades lubricated" in English.
(If 'garder' is meant to be 'garden'): tenemos que trabajar en mi jardin hoy.
Michel Garder has written: 'A history of the Soviet Army' 'Die Geschichte der Sowjetarmee' 'Les camarades'
"Garder mon frere*" - take care of my brother "Garder mes freres" - take care of my brothers "Garder ma soeur" - take care of my sister "Garder mes soeurs" - take care of my sisters "Garder mes soeurs et freres" - take care of my sisters and brothers (siblings**) "Garder mon frere et ma soeur" take care of my brother and sister (siblings**) * There is an accent grave on the first 'e' in "frere" or "freres" ** There is no French word for "siblings," you just literally say "brothers and sisters"
can Garder syndrom be cure
yes you can if your a1st garder
"S'il vous plaît garder pour le récord" means "please keep to the record" in English.
"From the garder" translates to French as "Du jardin".
garder snake
underwater it's 10 pounds.