the north south Actually the breakdown is something like this using Boatner's Dictionary of the Civil War. Northern Armouries and private contractors 1,300,000 58 caliber muskets Royal Enfield Amoury and Birmingham Small Arms (UK) 300,000 .577 muskets Spencer Arms (Massachusetts) 107,000 repeating carbines Henry (later WInchester) 11,180 Henry repeating rifles Palmetto Arms, Columbia South Carolina, 5000 muskets Tredegear, Richmond Virgina, 15,000 muskets No area produced 97% of the firearms as England and Europe supplied many muskets which were used primarily for the South (CSA)
United Nations.
durin the cold war the three nations that got divided were Korea,Vietnam and,Germany
The League of Nations
Smith & Wesson I disagree. Smith & Wesson was a British company. Most of the firearms used during the American Civil War were Springfields. Of course, more pistols were made than rifles so the answer could also be Colt.
while the southern states produced two-thirds of the world's supply of cotton, the South had little manufacturing capability, about 29 percent of the railroad tracks, and only 13 percent of the nation's banks while The North produced 17 times more cotton and woolen textiles than the South, 30 times more leather goods, 20 times more pig iron, and 32 times more firearms. The North produced 3,200 firearms to every 100 produced in the South
COOEY was a Canadian firearms manufacturer in business from 1931-61 in Cobourg, Ontario. Winchester bought them and produced/sold firearms in Canada. The Cooey 82 single shot was a WWII training rifle made for the miitary during the war.
COOEY was a Canadian firearms manufacturer in business from 1931-61 in Cobourg, Ontario. Winchester bought them and produced/sold firearms in Canada. The Cooey 82 single shot was a WWII training rifle made for the miitary during the war
France produced more tanks during World War I than all other nations combined.
the north south Actually the breakdown is something like this using Boatner's Dictionary of the Civil War. Northern Armouries and private contractors 1,300,000 58 caliber muskets Royal Enfield Amoury and Birmingham Small Arms (UK) 300,000 .577 muskets Spencer Arms (Massachusetts) 107,000 repeating carbines Henry (later WInchester) 11,180 Henry repeating rifles Palmetto Arms, Columbia South Carolina, 5000 muskets Tredegear, Richmond Virgina, 15,000 muskets No area produced 97% of the firearms as England and Europe supplied many muskets which were used primarily for the South (CSA)
Marlin Firearms Co. was founded in New Haven, Connecticut in 1870 by John Mahlon Marlin, who had worked for the Colt's Patent Firearms Co. during the Civil War.
Yes. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations), Mexico is the 18th largest carrot producer in the world, with 404,726 tonnes produced during 2011.
There were about 26 countries during WWI.
According to a contribution on a firearms research forum this company went out of businees during the Depression of the 1930s.
the league of nations was like the untited nations