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Q: How does a civilian address a military attache in a formal letter?
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If wearing a military uniform to a civilian funeral do you wear a cover?

Always wear a cover outside. Unless you are in Semi-Formal dress.

What is the dress etiquette for the Marine Ball?

The Marine Corps Ball is a formal event. Non military personnel attending should wear formal attire. Military Members will be wearing their "Full Dress" Uniform. For Marines that would be your Alphas or Dress Blues, with medals. This would be the civilian equivalent of a tuxedo.

How do you address a retired Master Chief Petty Officer?

Their formal military address would be "sir" (or "ma'am" if female) or "Chief". This would only apply while they are in uniform.

What to wear as a guest to military dinner?

Every formal military dinner has a protocol officer assigned to it, sort of like an event manager. Get in contact with them and ask. Suggested civilian attire ranges from short and t-shirts to a tuxedo - know before you go.

What is proper civilian Female dress code at formal military funeral at Arlington National Cemetery?

Dress Blues or Dress Whites depending on the season and your command's policy.

What happens if a military person fights a civilian?

The case may be overruled if no complaint is made but if another millitay person make a formal complaint the fighter will be demoted and stationed elsewhere. Under what circumstances? Off/on duty, off/on a military installstion, in the US, in a foreign country?

Was the Gettysburg Address was written in formal English?

Was the Gettysburgs address was written in formal English

How do you address a shiekh?

Be very formal.

When did provisional Confederate President Jefferson Davis deliver his formal inaugural address?

On February 22, 1862, Jefferson Davis gave his formal inaugural address to the Confederate Congress. In this speech he said that it had been an error to try and defend all of the Confederate territory. He also spoke about focusing military attention on vital places in the South.

When did the US have a formal military?

The United States of America had a formal military immediately following the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The United States Army was commissioned in 1776.

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What is a formal speech also called?

A formal speech is also called an oration, address, or discourse.