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Answer at your question you can find (at least partialy) in History chanel documentary Lost evidence: Battle of Monte Cassino. There is a link for a part one on YouTube:

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Q: How many people died in the Monte Cassino War?
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How many lives where lost in the Monte cassino battle?

2 million to round it up... haha not actually right thank you very much

This battle fought in central Italy was the fiercest of the war?

I think you refer to the battle for Monte Cassino. The crossing of the Rapido river was also a tough one, indeed all of the Italian peninsula was ideal in many ways for defensive warfare and the British & Americans, & others, had many difficulties in overcoming the German defenders.

How many Fallschrimjaeger defended Monte Cassino?

1st Parachute Division helped defend Monte Cassino. at a guess between 10 000 - 15 000 Made up of 1st Parachute Rifle Regiment 3rd Parachute Rifle Regiment 4th Parachute Rifle Regiment 1st Parachute Artillery Regiment 2 battalions 1st Parachute Anti-Tank Battalion 1st Parachute Engineer Battalion 1st Parachute Machine-gun Battalion I would not expect a parachute division to be that large. Quoting from Carle d'Este, he said the 1st Parachute Division was not full strength. Then later, after the bombing of Monte Cassino, he states: "The defenders of all three levels of the Cassino defenses were Heidrich's tough paratroopers, whose tenacity was unsurpassed inthe war. WHen the New Zealanders entered the ruins of Cassino town ..... .... Some 160 of the 300 paratroopers defending Cassino were crushed to death beneath tons of rubble." "Estimated that it had taken more than 3 tons of bombs for each German paratrooper killed during the battle." He quoted General Von Vietinghoff as saying, "No troops but the 1st Parachute Division could have held Cassino." His book also says that the troops of the 1st Parachute Division occupied the bombed out Abbey. Reference : "Fatal Decision" by Carlo d'Este. In General von Senger's book, he said that the town area of Cassino was under Colonel Heilman's 3rd Parachute Rifle Regiment. Reference: "Neither Hope nor Fear" by General Frido von Senger und Etterlin. BTW, the 4th Parachute Division was also in Italy but at this time it was attacking at Anzio. Later, the 1st and 4th Parachute Divisions were joined in with the I Parachute Corps.

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Saint Benedict is known for founding one monastery, Monte Cassino, in Italy around the 6th century. This monastery became the foundational model for many other Benedictine monasteries established later throughout Europe.

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El Alamein, Tripoli, the invasion of Sicily, Anzio, and the one many forget is Stalingrad. The Italians lost an entire Army during the Soviet offensive to isolate and destroy the German 6th army

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What was the Battle of Monte Casino?

Battle of Monte Cassino was one tough battle. It involved a very high hill with a Catholic Church / historic building on it. The Nazis took that high ground and waited to shoot down the Allied Forces as they approached the hill and the road leading to Rome. The battle dragged on for a long time. Many men died. The Catholics were notified the allies wanted to bomb the building to kill the Nazis. The Priest and towns people removed icons and paintings. The building was bombed but the Nazis did not die in the building. The removal of the paintings was a dead give away to the Nazis the building was going to be bombed so they stayed away from it when it was demolished. In the end the Allied Forces were the victors. See the link below.

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