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It is unlikely the Janapese would have surrendered in this scenario. The Japanese had a nuclear bomb program of their own that they had adandoned earlier in the war, so were likely as aware of the power of the device as the Americans at that time. A demonstration would have had little effect on their desire or lack of it to continue the war.

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Q: If Truman had found a way to show Japanese leaders a demonstration of the bomb would the Japanese have surrendered?
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Who was President of the us when the Japanese surrendered?

Harry Truman was the US president when WW 2 ended. He had been the vice president when President Roosevelt died in office.

Who said surrender or face utter and complete destruction?

Harry S. Truman said that right after Nazi Germany surrendered, but Japan was still willing to fight. After one success, he gave the ultimatum "Surrender now, or face utter and complete destruction." Japan refused to surrender, and he got sick of all there nonsense, hence, he dropped 2 Nukes on Japan. Then they surrendered.

Who were the leaders of World War 2?

Neville Chamberlain and Adlof Hitler and Winston Churchill and Mussolini and Stailn and Hirohito and Roosevelt and Truman and De Gaulle. Those were the main political leaders, there were also many famous military leaders.

Who used the atomic bomb?

the US used the atomic bomb on the Japanese to end the world war 2.. US dropped 2 bombs on japan one on hiroshima and one on nagasaaki,,then japan surrendered..the name of the project was the Manhattan project and the name of the plane that dropped the bomb is Enola gay.... the president of the US (Henry Truman) was the one who acepted to drop the atomic bomb!!!

Who was the president when world war 2 occurred?

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President through most of World War II. However, he died in office five months before the war ended. He died on April 12, 1945, and the Japanese formally surrendered on September 2nd of that year. Harry S. Truman took office upon Roosevelt's death and was President for the remainder of the war.

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What if Truman had founda way to showjapanese leaders a demonstration of the bomb?

He order two bombs and the Japanese got a good example of the devastation.

Who was President of the us when the Japanese surrendered?

Harry Truman was the US president when WW 2 ended. He had been the vice president when President Roosevelt died in office.

Was Truman planning to drop the a-bomb on other Japanese cities?

The plan to end the war was to bomb with nuclear bombs with 3 days in between until they surrendered.

What are some accomplishments of Harry S Truman's presidency?

The main accomplishment of Harry S Truman's presidency was the fact that he made the wise decision of dropping an atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then, days later Japan finally surrendered, effectively ending world war 2.

When did president Truman orders a mass production of the atomic bomb?

You could say yes. There some for testing and some for Japan. If the Japanese did not surrender after the second hit, atomic bombs will come one after one until they surrendered.

Which president was responsible for dropping the bomb on Hiroshima?

The President responsible for the dropping of the atom bomb on Nagasaki, and Hiroshima is: Harry Truman. The reason of this is because the Germans surrendered in 1945 the Japanese could hold the US Army of fighting in the pacific, So Harry Truman decided to end the war quickly using the very powerful atom bomb dropping them on two of japan's cities. Japan soon surrendered after the atom bombs and the war ended.

What were the 3 U.S. leaders during the cold war?

Harry Truman

Who did American leaders blame for losing china to communism?

Harry Truman

Who did US leaders blame for losing China to communism?

Harry Truman

What did the Us use in war with china in Pearl Harbor?

LOL, China and the US never went to war in WW2. The Japanese were responsible for the attack on Pearl Harbor. The US then dropped 2 nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Japanese cities) in 1945 following an order by Harry Truman, the president at that time. That ended WW2 as the Japanese High command surrendered a few days later.

It wasn't until after President Truman that the Japanese surrendered?

The decisive conclusion of the Pacific War through Japanese unconditional surrender came at due to three factors. The first were Truman's decision to conduct nuclear strikes against Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The second were that Japan risked invasion of its homeland from both the Soviet Union and the United States (the planed but never executed Operation Downfall). The choices between being overrun by the Soviet Union, and ending further nuclear strikes, proved instrumental in the Japanese decision to surrender to the United States.

Who was the US prsident during world war 2?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the president during the war. He died before the Japanese surrendered. Harry S. Truman who had been the vice president became the President of the United States and remained so for many years.