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Q: In addition to granting prisoners of war (POWs) certain rights the Geneva Convention obligates POWs to act in certain ways. is FALSE regarding these obligations?
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Where can you find quotes regarding the Vietnam War by Eugene McCarthy?

See: Eugene McCarthy

What was one objection the reservationists had regarding the treaty?

It contradicted the power of Congress to declare war.

What was not true regarding the armistice ending WW1?

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was kept and enforced.

What arm was the number on during the Holocaust?

NUMBERSAlthough details are not complete regarding treatment of the holocaust victims, it seems that not all of them had their bodies marked with a number. Also, of all the concentration camps in Nazi Germany, it appears that only the Auschwitz group of camps (e.g. Auschwitz 1, Auschwitz 2 (Birkenau) and Auschwitz 3 (Monowitz) actually implemented prisoner numbering in a systematic way. This began in 1940, and at first the number was sewn onto the prisoner's uniform.Body marking did not start until 1941. The number was written or tattooed maybe on the chest, the back, or the left forearm; some were marked on the leg. Sometimes the number included a letter prefix to indicate the 'type' of prisoner. For example, the prefix 'AU' was used for Soviet prisoners of war. Those destined for immediate execution were often not marked with a number.BADGESStarting with Poland in November 1939, and then spreading to ther countries under Nazi domination, all Jews were legally requierd to wear badges which identified them as belonging to this particular religious/ethnic group. As an example of the seriousness of this law, the Jewish Community Council of Bialystock in 1941 warned the community that "severe punishment -up to, and including death by shooting-, is in store for Jews who do not wear the yellow badge on back and front."In the concentration camps, other badges with different shapes and different colors were introduced to identify other groups. They were worn on the chest or on the arm, sewn to the fabric of their coats, on the left side.For more details, and documentary photographs, see 'Related links' below this box.

Which statement is true regarding First U.S. Admiral David Farragut?

He opted to take a defensive stance and await a Union attack.

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What is the international agreement regarding the treatment of prisoners and civilians called?

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What is the Prisoners of War POW's?

Prisoners of War are enemy soldiers who are captured by your army. The Geneva Convention established certain rules and rights regarding how to treat POWs.A soldier who breaks the law and is punished with imprisonment is not a POW.In the United States, the law requires that a person can only be a POW if the US is at war against his country. This had become a topic of great controversy as the US has captured many accused terrorists even though we are not at war with their country. But a terrorist will not identify himself as your enemy in most cases.

What controversies regarding slavery arose during the constitutional convention?

whether or not to count them as part of the population when it came to the amount of representatives in the house