The number one most important thing to know about the nortious Dr. Josef Mengele is that he was a very evil-minded man. Who tortured Jewish and Gypsy prisoners at Auschwitz (aka) Birkenau. He, himself chose 400,000 prisoners to burn in gas chambers. Not only this horrible thing, but in his spare time he experimented on "patients", although they weren't real patients, they were young twins who would have died in chambers anyway. He says his favorite thing about his experiments were when he found twin siblings. They were promiscuous, and he wanted to learn more about genetic disorders and hereditary diseases. This man has been worldwide known, and should be studied about more often. He's very interesting yet very disturbing.
Some assign him a higher role then he deserves. While his work at Auschwitz-Birkenau earned him the title of Angel of Deathand his violation of the Hippocratic Oath as a Physician can't be condoned, he can be considered a self serving functionary and a Nazi bureaucrat. He managed to convince high placed individuals that his medical experiments were important to the Reich, had a historical value and could only be carried out by him in this environment. It spared him from duty on the Russian front, service that equated to a death sentence. He did make selections on who should live and who should die. Like Eichman, he should have been brought to justice, and by escaping with help from family, church and financial connections, a stain was placed on every post WWII investigative body. Little or no effort was given to his apprehension.It's worth noting that Ellie Wiesel writes about his fear of Mengele NOT in terms of his famous experiments. Wiesel was more concerned about Mengele's role in selections (based on physical fitness), a job that could be filled by any SS physician.
I think that these are important because they are things that people used all the time especially during world war ii when the americans and germany fought.
Not necessarily. Hitlers Anti-Jewish Propagnda in the 1930's coupled with anti-Semitic feelings that already existed in Europe helped dehumanize the victims of these experiements. There were no apparent signs of aberrant behaviours in him before Auschwitz. Like most Nazi's he was delusional and believed the general wisdom of his time was scientific which included the belief that the Jews were less than human. I would say that Joeseph Mengele was an ordinary man who did extraordinarily evil things. This is a disturbing Idea because It reveals what mentaly healthy individuals can be capable of under bizarre circumstances.
He tried to change people's eye colors. He injected children's eyes with different serum's.He also did "high elevation" experiments, which basically he strapped them to something and changed the oxygen/elevation around them, seeing how long until it took said experiment to die.He was interested in twins, often being sweet to them, giving them treats. He then would take blood everyday, and performed NUMEROUS surgeries on them without anesthesia.He would put blue dye and bleach in people's eyes to see if they would turn blue, this caused pain and agony adn death. He also was interested in twins he tested to see if one twin died if the other would at the same time, he would sew children together to see what Siamese twins were like.Most people were sent to the gas chambers before they got to the camp anyways, i consider these people luckier then the people he did experiments on.Dr. Mengele was a very cruel man.and these are only some of the things he did.To learn more look up the book 'Night' By Elie Wiesel
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Dr Mengele's 'experiments' were gruesome and should not be used because many people use this site. Go to Google and type in Dr Mengele's experiments but be warned these experiments are sick and are not for the faint hearted. ** He would inject childrens eyes with dye and bleach trying to make their eyes change color. He sewed [seperate] twins together to make a conjoined twin. he did many many horrible things.
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Josef Mengele did experiments on how to best kill people and he used the Jews and other prisoners at Auschwitz. He also did things like measure skulls of the Jews, timed how long it took to freeze to death. For gruesome details read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
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