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The Soviet Union (USSR) supplied North Vietnam, and the US fought for South Vietnam.

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Q: What cold war countries were involved in the Vietnam war?
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What countries got involved in the Cold War and why?

korea, united states, ussr, vietnam, and germany?

Was the Vietnam war a majority rule?

The Vietnam War was part of the cold war. The cold war was between governments (Nations/Countries).

What two major wars you involved in during the cold war era?

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Why was the united state involved in the Vietnam war?

The Vietnam War was part of the cold war. To prevent Communist North Vietnam from taking over the Republic of South Vietnam.

What is meant by the Vietnam war being a hot battle?

The cold war consisted of no killing (no actual war). Vietnam involved killing (real war).

Why were the countries involved in the Vietnam War?

The fight against the spread of Communism.

How is Vietnam involved in the cold war?

A direct confrontation with communists: bullet for bullet.

Which conflict did the US become involved in shortly after WW2?

The Cold War, then Vietnam.

What countries were covered during the Vietnam War?

The countries that were actually "physically" involved, and were bombed or had US aircraft crash into them, whether they were "officially" in the war or not, were: Lao's, Cambodia, North Vietnam and South Vietnam.

What two countries played the biggest roles in the Cold War?

The main countries involved in the Cold War were the US and the USSR.

What countries where involved in the last Vietnam war?

Nobody knows. Too bad.

Why did the us government get involved in the Vietnam war?

The U.S government decided to get involved in the Vietnam war because the believed after the cold war that communism was a very serious issue that must be adressed first hand. America has also singed itself into SEATO (an agreement between many other countries who were also against communism). This meant America had no other options but enter the war in Vietnam.