Black Jack was the nickname of the commander of the Americans in France, General John J. Pershing. Supposedly Pershing acquired this nickname as a young officer while serving with one of the Army's traditionally black regiments, the 9th and 10th Cavalry. These regiments were the famed "Buffalo Soldiers" of the Great Plains, and had black soldiers and white officers. These soldiers also had a lot to do with the capturing of San Juan and Kettle Hills in Cuba during the Spanish-American War, with Pershing as one of their officers, but Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders got all the glory.
a friend
it means that
Billets were lodgings for soldiers.
It was the commodity that was in demand all over the world, and the basis for Southern wealth and prestige.
what does "rigged to blow" mean? It sounds like an old nautical term.
The Shoe
the darkest black
"Jack vomit" is not a commonly recognized term or phrase. If it is an individual's name followed by the action of vomiting, it likely means that Jack is the one vomiting.
The term 'black powder' can refer to a number of different things. It is mostly used to describe gunpowder, which is used in weapons, explosives and the like.
The term Black generally refers to a person with African ancestral origins. In some circumstances, usually in politics or power struggles, the term Black signifies all non-White minority populations
a friend
A set of fields.
The correct term is Jack-of-all-trades. It means someone who knows a little bit about a lot of different subjects, or is competent in many different areas.
Upon researching the term back to black it has been found that there are a variety of different explanations for the term. The Urban dictionary describes it as going back to something one knows or is familiar with. There is also an album and song by Amy Winehouse that was titled Back to Black.
This is a slang term for a racial mix. Here's a link to a good website.
it means that
It is alleged to be the Zuni term for "middle anthill of the world".