Desertion by a soldier in war is almost Always a Firing Squad Punishment, in other words, they are shot by their fellow soldiers.
2nd answer:
In the beginning of the civil war, at least, soldiers, including officers up to the rank of General were leaving the Federal Army in droves -- everyone seemed to understand that the soldiers from the South had to leave, otherwise face fighting against their own friends and families. This wan't always true, but was certainly common.
The Confederate forces, on the other hand, were very motivated to fight. They had superior leadership on the battlefield, and very few even wanted to leave.
Vergil Mounts, medic that landed on the second wave, age 15, killed by shrapnel to the face while trying to help a fallen soldier. This day, 69 years ago.
Most people were afraid to challenge the Berlin Wall, because the eastern side of it had armed guards with a clear view of the wall and orders to shoot to kill. Despite this, about 100 people were killed trying to cross the wall and escape from communism into freedom.
Soldiers are people who fight, and sometimes kill, which is an exact opposite to peace, which is serenity and non violence. The two opposites contradict each other, because you can only have one or the other, not both. The meaning of wearing a peace symbol, as a soldier, especially in Vietnam, is that the soldier wants peace, and is trying to fight to get it, which could be seen as contradictory as well. If there was no war to get peace to begin with, there would be peace.
I don't think he was a captain but he was a confederate trying to sabotage a supply line through destroying a bridge. He was caught and hung.
because the soldier were not trying to hide, so uniform did not have to blend with the surroundings.
Caesarion was caught trying to escape with a caravan of loot and killed.Caesarion was caught trying to escape with a caravan of loot and killed.Caesarion was caught trying to escape with a caravan of loot and killed.Caesarion was caught trying to escape with a caravan of loot and killed.Caesarion was caught trying to escape with a caravan of loot and killed.Caesarion was caught trying to escape with a caravan of loot and killed.Caesarion was caught trying to escape with a caravan of loot and killed.Caesarion was caught trying to escape with a caravan of loot and killed.Caesarion was caught trying to escape with a caravan of loot and killed.
They were set free
King Louis XV1 caught trying to escape from the French Revolution
Caesarion was killed sometime in 30 BC after he was caught trying to escape the country with a caravan of treasure.Caesarion was killed sometime in 30 BC after he was caught trying to escape the country with a caravan of treasure.Caesarion was killed sometime in 30 BC after he was caught trying to escape the country with a caravan of treasure.Caesarion was killed sometime in 30 BC after he was caught trying to escape the country with a caravan of treasure.Caesarion was killed sometime in 30 BC after he was caught trying to escape the country with a caravan of treasure.Caesarion was killed sometime in 30 BC after he was caught trying to escape the country with a caravan of treasure.Caesarion was killed sometime in 30 BC after he was caught trying to escape the country with a caravan of treasure.Caesarion was killed sometime in 30 BC after he was caught trying to escape the country with a caravan of treasure.Caesarion was killed sometime in 30 BC after he was caught trying to escape the country with a caravan of treasure.
trying to escape to the city of riga
A big percentage
Some succeeded and some did not
They finally caught the murderer at the airport, trying to escape to Mexico.
trying to escape to the city of riga
you would be killed
He fled outside the city to a barn, where he hid until American soldiers found him and shot him. The related link offers pictures and details.